Running Records for Teachers
Reading Assessment for Grades K-2
Assess your student's reading progress with Running Records that help you identify patterns in student reading behavior. The Reading & Writing Project (RWP) offers Running Records of Kaeden Books for reading assessment.
Download the Running Records for RWP here.
Our Partnership With the Reading & Writing Project Reading Instruction Program
Kaeden Publishing is pleased to have 22 of our titles selected for use with the Reading & Writing Project’s Reading Instruction Program for use in the reading assessment for K-2. The 2017-2018 New York City Measures of Student Learning Assessments (MoSL) are now using these 22 titles for the Beginning of the Year (BOY) and End of the Year (EOY) assessments.
We have provided assessment books for the RWP Reading Instruction Program since 2015. The original collection was revised in 2020 and we added a Spanish version of the collection in 2021.
You will find one set of A–K Running Records that correspond to books published by Kaeden. Two titles are provided for each reading level. The Running Record assessments can be used for placement assessments as well as for benchmark reading assessments. It is recommended that the student read from the books rather than the text of the Running Record.
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New York State-Approved Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
TCRWP Running Records
Are you looking for information about RWP Running Records, the New York State-approved option for determining and assessing SLOs ?
If you are in New York, you can find more information about this option, as well as the 2017-2018 New York City Measures of Student Learning Assessments (MoSA), at the link below.
Learn About New York-Specific Products
Design Meaningful Literacy Instruction and Intervention
Use Our TCRWP Collection and Running Records
If you have questions about our RWP collection groupings, or how to utilize Running Records in your classroom, please reach out to our team. We look forward to helping you discover how Running Records can be an important tool to support literacy development in your classroom.

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