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New York State TCRWP Running Records

New York State 2017-2018 New York City Measures of Student Learning Assessments (MoSL)

Note there were changes to the texts for MoSL-eligible assessments for the 2017-18 year. To support the New York City Measures of Student Learning (MoSL) requirements, we offer two sets of running records: one eligible for Beginning of Year (BOY) MoSL assessment, and one for End of Year (EOY) MoSL assessment. These can be found in the folder titled “TCRWP New York City Measures of Student Learning (MoSL).” Please note that at levels A-K there are texts, published by Kaeden, for both beginning and end-of-year administrations in the RWP Complete Collection. If you have been using the Kaeden books for interim A-K assessments from our General Running Records collection, note that these are the same: RWP Complete Collection. The NYC DOE states that these texts should be used in place of older (2015) versions of TCRWP books. For questions regarding MoSL, please contact the DOE at periodicassessment@schools.nyc.gov. Please note, NYC MoSL information is current as of August 2017.



RWP Running Records

New York State-approved Student Learning Objectives (SLO) RWP Running Records is a New York State-approved option for determining and assessing Student Learning Objectives (SLOs). In this folder, you’ll find two sets of running records, levels A-K. The A-K sets require purchased texts published by Kaeden; the order form can be found in the links below.

Kaeden Publishing is the Sole Source provider of this collection.

NYC FAMIS Contract # 6587136

If you have any questions related to our products for New York State, please contact our team.

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