Create a Winter Break Reading Challenge

Find a Fun Way to Encourage Reading Over Break
In your classroom, reading is a priority. Students spend time each day reading and enhancing their comprehension skills. When your students leave for break, they may need some encouragement to continue their daily reading at home. Creating a winter break reading challenge can be a great way to inspire your students to read throughout the holidays. Our advice: Keep it simple, fun, and winter-themed!
Here are a few steps to get you started:
Set a class goal.
Decide the total number of books to be read over break as a class.
Choose a fun reward.
Students can work together to earn a treat or a movie party to be enjoyed after break.
Let students select books to bring home.
Make sure every student has engaging and enriching texts to read over break. Refresh your library with our books for K-4 readers!
Make it easy for students to track their progress.
Give each student a winter-themed coloring page—like a picture of a mug of hot cocoa with marshmallows—to record the books they read. Students color in marshmallows until their mug is full and return the handout to you after break.
Encourage students to involve friends and family.
They can read with a friend, parent, or family member as they work toward meeting their goal.
We hope these ideas inspire you to put a reading challenge in place for your students before the upcoming winter break from school. Remember that our team is here if you have any questions or would like more information about our books, classroom libraries, or digital content.